Xen-Arena is a online MegaMan X styled PVP shooter that is currently in an alpha test.

Jump, Think, and Shoot your way to victory!

Looking for feedback.

Click here for news and patch notes!

Keyboard controls

  • Left and Right Arrows = Move left or right.
  • Down = Drop down on passthrough floors.
  • Z = Jump
  • X = X action
  • C = C action
  • V = V action

Controller controls

  • DPAD = move
  • DPAD Down = Drop down on passthrough floors.
  • Button 0 = Jump
  • Button 1 = V action
  • Button 2 = X Action
  • Button 3 = C Action
  • Button 2 + Button 3 = Fire Super when super bar full.
  • Button 4 = Respawn


Xen-Arena.zip 47 MB


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Game does feel a lot smoother on this new engine however, no frame drops whatsoever and everything feels really responsive. Not sure how I feel about Xevil right now, being able to dash to platforms in mid-air seems like it could be really handy. Shooting downwards is interesting but not sure how useful it would be to use in game. I feel people will be moving around too much to be able to hit them with it, and when you do hit, I feel it wouldn't do enough damage to matter.

I do like the fact he dashes as soon as you activate the shield, gives the character a really aggressive feel which is nice, being able to activate it midair and surprise the enemy seems really fun. It looks like he has a bit more depth than the first character which I like

Deleted 8 years ago

Just realized I'm stupid. Horizontal movement is a mechanic for the new character :) Sorry dude

No problem. For those wondering Xen falls while dashing but Xevil does not :3